Kumpul Sahabat Boemi: Wanita Bisa

Kumpul Sahabat Boemi: Wanita Bisa

Admin JHL | 18 August 2022

An Inspiring Movement to Empower Indonesian Women



Serpong, 13 August 2022 - Today, located in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, BOEMI Botanicals has officially launched a social initiative in the form of a social movement, a two-day event titled WANITA BISA, a platform for sharing and delegating the information from and to women, in order to accelerate women's empowerment in Indonesia.

BOEMI Botanicals is a nature-based personal care brand based in Bali, that focus on the idea of nature, and all comes from "Bumi" (earth) productions and following heritage recipes. BOEMI Botanicals commitment is not only to build a sustainable business but also to empower communities, especially women. As a commitment to empowering women, since late 2021 the brand already created a partnership with Bali Street Mums, a non-profit organization that focused on empowering women and children's development. This is the commitment to the local area, in Bali. Through this movement, BOEMI Botanicals started by providing educations to mothers in the form of business classes and production classes. For the business class, the mothers were given information about marketing techniques and selling products. In the production class, the moms learned how to make natural candles, natural bar soap, and other things that would give them more skills. BOEMI Botanicals also helps to promote and sell the products made by the mothers.

Venny Fransiska Hermawan, Director of BOEMI Botanicals shares, "In 2022, BOEMI Botanicals is planning to take the initiative of empowering women into a bigger platform that can reach more women in the nation of Indonesia. WANITA BISA initiated by BOEMI Botanicals is a platform for social movement and momentum to share and delegate the information from and to women, in order to accelerate women's empowerment in Indonesia."

Through WANITA BISA we are aiming to open the introduction door between the public and the players of SMEs and local brand retailers founded by women. There would be approximately 50 SME players and local brand retailers founded by women, ranging from handicrafts, fashion, children's needs, jewelery and cultural arts. Furthermore, Venny shared that through the two-day series of events, BOEMI Botanicals aims to give education to women through confrences, panel discussion, and various classes that will improve women's capabilities.

The 2-day event is held in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, Banten. "One of the reasons why we held this event in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, is because Hotel Episode has the commitment to embrace and preserve the local culture," Venny continued.


Megawati, Director of Hotel Episode shares, "Our core business is hospitality, and we believe that it requires great service. For us, great service is not only by serving the customers but also about preserve and embrace the local culture and the communities. Through our hotel theme, "Unfolding History, Retelling The Story", we have four pillars to support our business, cultural conservations, support the tracitional culinary, support the local SME players, and to contribute the local events."

Moreover, Megawati explained that Hotel Episode Gading Serpong explores local wisdom and brings back Badui and Peranakan cultures, which are known as the cultural indentities of the Banten region and its surroundings.

"Since supporting the local events and local SMEs are a part our commitment. We implement this by supporting the movement by BOEMI Botanicals through WANITA BISA. The event of WANITA BISA is held for 2 days on 13-14 August, 2022 in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong with many activities that will inspire all the participants to believe more in their dreams and to keep the growing the business and their capabilities," shared Megawati.

WANITA BISA aspires to be a platform the inspires and motivates women to continue to expand their capabilities, believe in the realization of their dreams, and cross boundaries so that hey can always be empowered. "As a woman, I believe that Indonesian women can achieve more if we believe moew in ourselves, in our dreams, an in our way to realize those dreams with our capabilities. I hope through this platform, WANITA BISA can aspire all Indonesian women to be empowered for one another, because we can!" shared Venny to close the conversation.



Media contact:

Arletha Sutopo

Marketing Specialist

info@boemibali.com, boemibali.marketing@gmail.com

+62 857-1519-4499


Ribka Anastasia

Operational Manager

info@boemibali.com, boemibali.bali20@gmail.com

+62 812-8389-9444

Recent News

Kumpul Sahabat Boemi: Wanita Bisa

By Admin JHL | 18 August 2022

An Inspiring Movement to Empower Indonesian Women



Serpong, 13 August 2022 - Today, located in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, BOEMI Botanicals has officially launched a social initiative in the form of a social movement, a two-day event titled WANITA BISA, a platform for sharing and delegating the information from and to women, in order to accelerate women's empowerment in Indonesia.

BOEMI Botanicals is a nature-based personal care brand based in Bali, that focus on the idea of nature, and all comes from "Bumi" (earth) productions and following heritage recipes. BOEMI Botanicals commitment is not only to build a sustainable business but also to empower communities, especially women. As a commitment to empowering women, since late 2021 the brand already created a partnership with Bali Street Mums, a non-profit organization that focused on empowering women and children's development. This is the commitment to the local area, in Bali. Through this movement, BOEMI Botanicals started by providing educations to mothers in the form of business classes and production classes. For the business class, the mothers were given information about marketing techniques and selling products. In the production class, the moms learned how to make natural candles, natural bar soap, and other things that would give them more skills. BOEMI Botanicals also helps to promote and sell the products made by the mothers.

Venny Fransiska Hermawan, Director of BOEMI Botanicals shares, "In 2022, BOEMI Botanicals is planning to take the initiative of empowering women into a bigger platform that can reach more women in the nation of Indonesia. WANITA BISA initiated by BOEMI Botanicals is a platform for social movement and momentum to share and delegate the information from and to women, in order to accelerate women's empowerment in Indonesia."

Through WANITA BISA we are aiming to open the introduction door between the public and the players of SMEs and local brand retailers founded by women. There would be approximately 50 SME players and local brand retailers founded by women, ranging from handicrafts, fashion, children's needs, jewelery and cultural arts. Furthermore, Venny shared that through the two-day series of events, BOEMI Botanicals aims to give education to women through confrences, panel discussion, and various classes that will improve women's capabilities.

The 2-day event is held in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, Banten. "One of the reasons why we held this event in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong, is because Hotel Episode has the commitment to embrace and preserve the local culture," Venny continued.


Megawati, Director of Hotel Episode shares, "Our core business is hospitality, and we believe that it requires great service. For us, great service is not only by serving the customers but also about preserve and embrace the local culture and the communities. Through our hotel theme, "Unfolding History, Retelling The Story", we have four pillars to support our business, cultural conservations, support the tracitional culinary, support the local SME players, and to contribute the local events."

Moreover, Megawati explained that Hotel Episode Gading Serpong explores local wisdom and brings back Badui and Peranakan cultures, which are known as the cultural indentities of the Banten region and its surroundings.

"Since supporting the local events and local SMEs are a part our commitment. We implement this by supporting the movement by BOEMI Botanicals through WANITA BISA. The event of WANITA BISA is held for 2 days on 13-14 August, 2022 in Hotel Episode Gading Serpong with many activities that will inspire all the participants to believe more in their dreams and to keep the growing the business and their capabilities," shared Megawati.

WANITA BISA aspires to be a platform the inspires and motivates women to continue to expand their capabilities, believe in the realization of their dreams, and cross boundaries so that hey can always be empowered. "As a woman, I believe that Indonesian women can achieve more if we believe moew in ourselves, in our dreams, an in our way to realize those dreams with our capabilities. I hope through this platform, WANITA BISA can aspire all Indonesian women to be empowered for one another, because we can!" shared Venny to close the conversation.



Media contact:

Arletha Sutopo

Marketing Specialist

info@boemibali.com, boemibali.marketing@gmail.com

+62 857-1519-4499


Ribka Anastasia

Operational Manager

info@boemibali.com, boemibali.bali20@gmail.com

+62 812-8389-9444

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