JIO Distribusi Indonesia (JDI) is the sole authorized distributor of BAIC in Indonesia, handling sales, after-sales services, spare parts supply, and training for after-sales personel. Backed by authorized dealers nationwide, JDI is committed to professionalism, customer satisfaction, and building trustworthy relationships. With a focus on premium service, JDI aims to become a leading automobile distributor in Southeast Asia.
Contact: 021-5020 11717
Instagram: @baicindonesia
Jl. Jalur Sutera Boulevard, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143

JIO Distribusi Indonesia (JDI) is the sole authorized distributor of BAIC in Indonesia, handling sales, after-sales services, spare parts supply, and training for after-sales personel. Backed by authorized dealers nationwide, JDI is committed to professionalism, customer satisfaction, and building trustworthy relationships. With a focus on premium service, JDI aims to become a leading automobile distributor in Southeast Asia.
Contact: 021-5020 11717
Instagram: @baicindonesia
Jl. Jalur Sutera Boulevard, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143