JHL Internasional Otomotif (JIO), is a subsidiary of JHL Group. Specializing in the importance and manufacture of vehicles from China and around the world, we are committed to delivering a quality-driven experience to our customers. With various business subsidiaries under JHL Group and its strong track record in the automotive world, BAIC vehicles imported by JIO are handled by capable hands. For value-conscious customers, JIO is the best importer of BAIC cars and offers professionalism, resilience and continuous progress at every step. JIO stands out as a brand that is committed to bringing high-quality vehicles and ensuring top-notch customer service. This determination makes JIO the ideal choice for those seeking reliable vehicles froma trustworthy partner on their journey to finding the best ride of their lives.
Contact: 021-5020 11717
Instagram: @baicindonesia
Jl. Jalur Sutera Boulevard, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143

JHL Internasional Otomotif (JIO), is a subsidiary of JHL Group. Specializing in the importance and manufacture of vehicles from China and around the world, we are committed to delivering a quality-driven experience to our customers. With various business subsidiaries under JHL Group and its strong track record in the automotive world, BAIC vehicles imported by JIO are handled by capable hands. For value-conscious customers, JIO is the best importer of BAIC cars and offers professionalism, resilience and continuous progress at every step. JIO stands out as a brand that is committed to bringing high-quality vehicles and ensuring top-notch customer service. This determination makes JIO the ideal choice for those seeking reliable vehicles froma trustworthy partner on their journey to finding the best ride of their lives.
Contact: 021-5020 11717
Instagram: @baicindonesia
Jl. Jalur Sutera Boulevard, Panunggangan Tim., Kec. Pinang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 15143