This innovative sports complex prioritizes user comfort and sustainability. It offers versatile open spaces, promotes eco-living through sports, and includes green areas for both comfort and aesthetics. Well-designed public spaces encourage activity and offer for commercial activities.
Telp: +62 823-1158-6669
Jl. Raya Pagedangan No. 68, Desa/ Kelurahan Cicalengka, Kecamatan Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang

This innovative sports complex prioritizes user comfort and sustainability. It offers versatile open spaces, promotes eco-living through sports, and includes green areas for both comfort and aesthetics. Well-designed public spaces encourage activity and offer for commercial activities.
Telp: +62 823-1158-6669
Jl. Raya Pagedangan No. 68, Desa/ Kelurahan Cicalengka, Kecamatan Pagedangan, Kabupaten Tangerang